LEAP Women's Advice Surgeries

General advice for those who are pregnant or have young children.

Advice on finances, housing, relationship difficulties, legal services, and services available to you and your children in the borough. 

Appointments are open to women who are pregnant or have young children and who live in the LEAP area. They are held at children's centres. Phone appointments may be offered as an alternative.

Locations and times for Spring term 2024:

• Monday 10am-12pm Jubilee (0208 678 9160)

• Tuesday 10am-12pm Stockwell (0207 326 7328)

• Wednesday 10am-12pm St. Stephen's (0207 735 1540)

To book for a face-to-face or phone appointment, please contact the Children's Centres directly. 

For more information contact Maria at Maria_ariu@refuge.org.uk or 07741119798.