Parent Representatives

Our Parent Reps help local families get the support and services they need.

What does a Parent Rep do?

Our Parent Reps play many important roles:

  • gathering feedback from local parents with young children
  • identifying trends and key issues in the community
  • being the voice of parents and the wider community
  • sharing findings at LEAPs board and other learning spaces
  • advocating LEAP and the values of good early-years practice
What does a Parent Rep do?

What are the rewards?

Make new friends, develop your confidence and receive career and personal development coaching.

As part of the parent Rep experience you will:

  • compile a personal development plan
  • access training to boost your confidence when speaking and listening
  • receive one-to-one personal development and career coaching sessions
  • receive tools to support your work
  • be supported to develop and run a community event

How do I apply to be a LEAP Parent Rep?

We are not recruiting new Reps at the moment. But there are other ways you can get involved with LEAP:

  1. Become a Parent Champion
  2. Attend a People in the Lead session
  3. Come for a coffee and a chat
  4. Check out what's on this week

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