How do I entertain my baby?

Activities that help your baby develop listening and attention skills.

How do I entertain my baby?

Entertaining your baby is one of our fun activities for Early Years.

Babies are learning all the time. They are sponges for knowledge and attention. 

So... how do I entertain my baby?

Try these activities at home. 

They will suit babies from 6 months onwards.

Make a family jigsaw puzzle

What you will need:

  • A drop-piece puzzle with handles on the pieces (like the one in the image)
  • Some old family photos
    (look for ones you don’t mind cutting up)
  • Scissors and glue
Make a family jigsaw puzzle

How to make it

  1. Take a piece from the puzzle.
  2. Place it over the person's face in the photo. 
  3. Draw round the puzzle piece and cut it out.
  4. The photo should fit perfectly into the puzzle board. 
  5. Use glue to secure the photo in place.

"Who's this? It's Ahmed!"

How to make it

Homemade shakers for babies

What you will need:

  • Empty water bottles and lids
  • Dried food like pasta, lentils or rice (you only need a small handful)
  • Food dye
  • Sequins or tin foil
Homemade shakers for babies

How to make a baby shaker

  1. Put the dried food in the water bottle.
  2. Tighten the lid.
  3. Watch your baby have fun making noise with their new shaker.

Safety warning: babies can choke on small parts. Really tighten the lid so that it can't come off. Always supervise your baby when they are playing with shakers.

How to make a baby shaker

How to make a water shaker

  1. Half-fill a bottle with water and add food colouring.
  2. Add sparkly bits or rolled up small balls of tin foil.
  3. Or try adding cooking oil and glitter.

Have fun by experimenting with different colours – and using objects that make different shaking noises.

How to make a water shaker

More sensory activities for babies

You will need:

  • An empty baby wipe packet
  • Several squares of fabric or small scarves 
  • Baby socks
  • Masking tape

For when you're literally feeling wiped out...

This really is simple.

Fill an empty packet of wipes with fabric or scarves 

Enjoy watching your baby pull them out.

For when you're literally feeling wiped out...

Best foot forward

Is your baby starting to pull themself up? 

Stick their socks to a wall. Use masking tape.  

Watch your baby have fun exploring them while trying to stand.

Top tip: Don’t use Sellotape as it can take paint off the wall.

Best foot forward

What is my baby learning?

Communication and language: building listening and attention skills through paying attenton to different activities for short periods of time.

Personal, social and emotional development: building relationships with special people.

Physical development: exploring objects by picking them up, touching them or putting them in their mouths.

What is my baby learning?

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