The first black professor at Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospital

Professor Eugene Oteng-Ntim has delivered over 2,000 healthy and happy babies.

Eugene's full title is Professor Eugene Oteng-Ntim MBBs MRCOG PGDip FRCOG. It gives you an idea of just how driven and accomplished he is.

He's a special type of doctor called an obstetrician. This means he provides specialist care for mother and baby during childbirth, as well as before and after pregnancy.

Eugene is the Head of Obstetrics at Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospital, where he graduated in 1991. He's a role model among his peers – honoured by the Royal Society of Medicine for which he is now President of the Maternity and Newborn section.

The doctor who has delivered over 2,000 healthy babies

1. What do you like most about your job?

"Helping to bring babies into the world. 

Each pregnancy, each delivery, has its own history – and its own story, mystery and miracle!"

2. What is your proudest moment?

"Becoming the first black professor at Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospital. 

And the first black professor of obstetrics at Kings College, London."

3. What inspired you to the top of your career?

"Born in London, but age one, I was sent to Ghana to be brought up by my grandmother. Not until I was 8 years old did I realise she was not my real mother.

This remarkable woman had 12 children. Eight of them died before their first birthday. 

To begin to understand what she went through – and what could have caused these recurrent deaths – continue to provide me with the purpose and inspiration to contribute to the care of mothers and their babies."

4. What challenges did you have to overcome?

"Working out how to get up the ladder, when promotion may not be inclusive. 

And not knowing the means or having the skills to challenge."

5. How can we give young children in Lambeth a better start in life?

"Showing them role models from diverse backgrounds – both black and white, and from different social classes. 

Making them understand that Lambeth is a special place. I for instance arrived back at the age of 16 and this beautiful community has been an inspiration for me till this day. 

We can give young children, particularly BAME children, a better start. We can do this by ensuring that from conception to reception they have: 

  • good nutrition; 
  • excellent social and emotional wellbeing;
  • and a strong foundation in communication and learning."

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